Essence: Now Comes The Night - Instructions
These are the instructions for the full MovableType template, including the Comments/Entry pages, and Archives. When you are finished with all the templates/modules remember to Publish your full site.
Brought to you by pandora.
Please do not remove any of the credits in the sidebar.
Template Modules
Edit or create (if they do not already exist) the following Template Modules, using their respective settings:Sidebar (case-sensitive)
You may edit this to your liking, but please do not remove the credits at the bottom.
nav (case-sensitive)
Edit this to your liking.
Index Templates
Edit or create (if they do not already exist) the following Index Templates, using their respective settings:
Main Index
Template Type: Main Index (main_index)
Output File: index.html
Template Type: Stylesheet (styles)
Output File: styles.css