So as you can see, I redid the layout on here. Pretty snazzy, right? might look a teensy bit unaligned on firefox, but theres nothing i can do about it right now. (eventually).
If any of you Bostonians read this; me and white boi are no longer dating. I was pretty sad about it for a while, but i think I'm over it now... at least most of it. I am, however, dating J now... we've known each other forever, and we both thought this might be an opportunity that we shouldnt let pass us by. It's a little more complicated than that, but I'm not going to waste time writing about it again. If you want to know more, take a look at some of the older entries in my personal blog. (
my forum has been doing a little better... been putting some competitive spirit into the members lately, so i think it's been making them more active. i also launched some new tshirt designs for the shop... if you havent joined clique yet, then do so now. (
i got a hair cut a while ago.. more of a trim, really, but i think it's actually grown out again already. insane, right? my hair grows too fast and my roots are nasty, but i dont want to fix the color yet.
my vectors have been getting a lot better. sort of changed my technique a little, and i've been getting good input so far.